Friday, February 19, 2010

Three Things

1. I know you are all on the edge of your seats to see my new couch. Well, you can find a more comfortable seat at this point because HERE IT IS!

$40 people, FORTY DOLLARS. And it's got to be at least 7' long, because P stretched all the way out on it comfortably. Who needs a measuring tape? Not me.

2. While Ulrich has made several appearances on my blog, he is not our only pet.

Exhibit A: Trooper The Cat
He says "herro." That's Cat for hello.

Exhibit B was feeling camera shy. She'll model something else. Later. Maybe. You know how cats are.

3. My seedlings are super excited to stretch their little arms and legs in the fake springtime my living room has provided. Look at them!

There are 72 little cells in there. That's a-gonna be a biiiig garden.

So far we have the following sprouts:

Black Krim Tomatoes
Roma Tomatoes
Yellow Pear Cherry Tomatoes
Sweet 100 Cherry Tomatoes
Shelling Peas
Sugar Snap Peas
Green Beans
Brussels Sprouts
Bell Peppers


  1. Love your sprout pics, and couch pics, and cat pics. But especially the sprouts pics - good shots.

  2. By Odin's Beard, I once took a $30 cab ride to look at your sofa's $5000.00 twin!

  3. So true, Greg, so true...I remember thinking once we finally got there that I could just as easily Uhaul and bunch of Gma's old furniture up, and for a lot cheaper.
